Thursday, October 10, 2013

Made It to Thursday!'s Thursday!  This week has been a whirlwind.

Tuesday I woke up with some weird tingling in my arms and legs.  Luckily, it went away after I took my morning meds.  (All three different kinds.)  The rest of the day went by fairly well, until my mom and I decided to clean the playroom - then I was just exhausted.

Wednesday, I woke up with a red face that almost looked like sunburn.  I went to my PTO meeting anyway.  It was good to get out and see people.  I got to lie down in the afternooon, while Declan was at Grandma's and Hugo was napping.  That was very nice.

Today, Grandpa took Declan to his field trip, Grandma babysat Hugo and my mom, sister, Matt, Steph and I headed to Froedtert for Treatment B, as it says on my schedule.  A quick one, but it still takes them like an hour to mix it up properly before they deliver it to me.  Matt and Steph were heroes as we had forgotten the Lidocaine cream (newbies) - they went to the pharmacy and got some more and Steph even managed to get us a major discount.  You rock, Steph!

A popsicle for me, Treatement B, a visit from Dena McDowell (Thank you for the styling hat Mrs. Dena's Mom - Mehlburg!), and we were on our way to...the wig shop.  Yup, I tried a bunch on, the gals picked one out, and in two weeks I will pick it up and get a haircut for it, and learn how to put it on...and other things like that.  I really doubt I will wear it very much, but I think it was good to do.  You never know...

Next, a visit to the health food bistro for lunch (mmm...the eggplant parmesan slider was very good) and then back home.  A successful trip, if I do say so myself.

The afternoon was a quiet one for me as my mom and Matt took all four kids to get their flu shots.  I don't think I can even begin to describe how difficult Kyrie is about things like this, so I will just leave it at - my mom and Matt discussed what types of drinks they would be mixing when they got home.  If you see either of them, they probably still need that drink.

I, on the other hand, got to lie down and rest.  Sooooo nice.  I had a tough time getting back up.  But, we did manage to send my mom home and get the kids to bed in a decent order.  And, I think all is well.

Thank you, everyone, for continued prayers.  It is really working.  I feel like week one could not have gone this well without them.  Of course, my mom and Matt may have something else to say about it!

P.S.  Pictures forthcoming.  I am off to bed.  Nighty-night.

1 comment:

  1. Week one is almost over and I got tell you all, I am so amazed at Kelly!! We are talking about a child that acted like she was going to faint when it was time to go for a healthy baby (child) check up. She is AWESOME!! One week down 11 more to go....for this first round. We'll tackle the next one when it is time. One more day Kelly!!! By the way.... She is living on soup.
