Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Swamp On A Stick

Yeah....that pretty much sums up what it tastes like to be my mouth right now.  As you may be able to tell, I have a pretty active imagination.  When I try to put a picture to the taste, what I see is basically...pond scum.  Swamp.  Ick. 

Why on a stick?  Because when I visualize the swamp, it is served like cotton candy - basically what my mouth feels like - cotton.  Stuck together and gross.

I haven't looked, but I am certain there are numerous suggestions out there to help with this.  I just know they are something along the lines of "chew gum" and "use mouthwash".  But here's the thing: every time I eat or drink something I am supposed to rinse my mouth with a concoction of baking soda and water followed by another concoction of salt and water.  The saltwater thing is not so bad.  But, for some reason, my body has a lot of trouble gargling baking soda and water.  It rejects it to the nth degree.  I have to clear my mind and take a deep breath before doing it, lest I lose my lunch while doing it.

So...I have been eating my meals in chunks.  Cramming as much into one sitting as I can, so that I am not hungry later and have to do the rinses again.  And then in-between, I get to enjoy this lovely new experience of Swamp-On-A-Stick.

Of course, the upside of this is that it means the Chemo is doing its job.  Chemo is supposed to seek out all of the fast-growing cells and kill them off.  This includes things like taste buds, hair follicles, finger nails, and cancer.  I guess the ol' taste buds are a small sacrifice I can put up with to know that it is hopefully killing off all the bad stuff, too.

Suck it up, Buttercup!


  1. First off, you have been blogging since 2003 and I have never seen a 5 a.m. post. This means you must not be sleeping well. :( I hope that changes for you.

    Secondly, eww....swamp-on-a-stick? Maybe you could deep fry that taste and sell it to WI State Fair! Some weirdo would try it.

    Like you said, this icky side effect means that the Chemo is working. However, could we find some hard candies or something to keep your mouth from being cotton-y? I'll work on that.

  2. As Kelly says "bring on the Baking Soda and salt, yuckkkk". Suck it up Buttercup! Or is it Princess buttercup?
